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planet of dreams
Rocket Robin Hood.
What I remember most about this series is its constant use and re-use of one- or two-minute vignettes of the various characters, like Little John, Friar Tuck (repeatedly taking a bite and throwing away the remainder of chicken legs, apples, and grapes, in that order) and so forth. The program would consist of the opening, a vignette, some story, another vignette, a commercial, another vignette, more story, and so on. Even as a child I found this maddening. It also shared animated sequences and even plot-lines with the more famous Spider-Man of the same era, and produced by the same company. Remember the winding stair case that led to that red door with the clawed hand that served as a door knob? Spooky….
In the astounding year 3000 lives Rocket Robin Hood, as much a descendent of the medieval legends as the rest of his merry men. From their base on Sherwood Asteroid, the heroes endeavor to free the good peoples of the spaceways from the tyranny of Prince John and the Sheriff of N.O.T.T. (National Orbital Terrestrial Territories).
The series premiered in 1966 and was produced by Krantz Films.
Here is the complete list of
Rocket Robin Hood episodes. Those marked "SP mint" were taped directly
off the TV. The episodes I don't have are in
green. The
ones I have but would like better copies of are in gold.
Time Machine/Ye Old Robinhood/There Is No Time Like the Future
SP mint
Giles the Great/A Meal Fit for a Tyrant/The Impossible Goal
SP mint
The Sad, Sad Sheriff of N.O.T.T.(with The Great Jewel Robbery & Our Sheriff
the Hero) SP mint
Magic Medallion of Morse/The
Sheriff Cooks Up a Wicked Plot/Shooting the Works SP mint
Little Little John (with The Paralyzing Meteor & Unshrunk) SP mint
- Prince of Plotters (with
Warfare Space - Ski Style & How Merry Can You Get) SP mint
Robin Versus the Robot Knight/Robin Fights Back/Space Champion SP mint
- Goritang!/Monkey Business on the
Planet Lucifer/Watch Out, Here Comes the Bride SP mint
Marlin the Magician (with Who Do Voo Doo? & This Trick Will Kill You) SP -
mint without commercials or VG with original commercials)
Cleopatra Meets Little John/Dinosaur Go Home/The Best Trick of All
SP mint
Wily Giles/Double Dealing Giles/Same Old Giles SP mint
Marmaduke Caper (with Bubble Trouble & Instant Hero) SP, very good, with original commercials)
also SP mint commercial free
Michael Shaun the Leprechaun SP
Follow the Leader/The Spaceman Who Came to Dinner/Never Trust Your Uncle SP
Jesse James Rides Again (with The Slowest Gun in the Universe & The Big
Heist) SP mint
City Beneath the Sea/ Whirlaround the Whirlpool/ Deep Sea Danger SP
vg w/ original commercials also SP mint commercial free
Warlord of Saturn/Breath of Fresh Danger/Play With
Fire And You Get Burned - SP mint (newly added)
Dr. Mortula (with The Strange Castle & Bring on the Sun) SP mint or SP vg w/
original commercials
The Awful Truce/Cross and
Double Cross/Fleet of Phantoms SP mint
The Mystery of the Crown Jewels/Bovin
Caged/Marvelo Takes a Fall SP mint
- Don Cayote McPherson (with
The Zap Trap & The Last Laugh) SP mint
Orbital Salesman/You Gotta Know the Territory/The First Astral Horse Trade
SP mint
Don't Make A Sound (with The Beast
Who Came to Dinner & Barking Beasts Don't Bite) SP mint
Incredible Gem of Cosmo Khan
(with Planet - Planet - Who's Got
the Planet? & Escape from Xanador) SP vg with original commercials)
Manta Menace (with
Welcome to My Parlor & And the Walls Came Tumbling Down) SP very good
quality but no intro & no
- Dr. Magnet (with Magnetic Meteors
& The Great Gold Robbery) SP mint or SP, very good, with
original commercials)
Who'll Kill Rocket Robin? (with The
Tomb of Ice & The Finger of Death) SP poor quality and no
vignettes BW 352
- Space Wolf (with Captives in Space
& Partners on the Loose) SP, good quality except no
Eternal Planet of Romarama
(with And In This Corner & Say Ahh . . .
Or Hot Tonsils) (SP mint(newly
Genius In A Bottle/Three to Make
Ready/Terror of the Machines SP mint(newly added)
Tree Kingdom of Caldomar/The Sword
of Destruction/Caldomar Ablaze SP mint(newly added)
Little George/The Deadly Invasion/The Secret Weapon
SP mint(newly added)
*Catch A Comet by the Tail/Good King Rocket Robinhood/The Celestial Joy Ride NOT
Young Mr. Ulysses/The Death Traps/The Man Who Turned to Stone
SP mint(newly added)
*Emperor Jimmy/The Making of an Emperor/Diamonds Are Prince John's Worst Friend
Storm Makers (with Into the Eye & The Planet Storms) SP mint
(newly added) or SP very good with original
Haunted Asteroid/Astro City of the Dead/Cosmic Secret
of Korgor SP mint(newly added)
Slaves of Medulla SP mint(newly
- Lord of the Underworld (with
Revenge of the Underworld & One Minute to Doom) SP mint(newly
Space Giant (with Gigantic Doom & The Black Cloud of Danger) SP mint(newly
Dark Galaxy (with Desert Demons & Mummies Revolt) SP mint(newly
- Dementia Five (with Robin's
Precious Cargo & Escape Into Reality) SP mint(newly
Lord of the Shadows (with Blackout & Who's Who) SP mint(newly
Living Planet (with And Into the Fire & The Electric Circle) SP mint(newly
From Menace to Menace/Manta
Asteroid/Gargoyles, Gators and Gorillas SP mint(newly
Jaws of Steel SP mint(newly
Ghost Pirates (with Escape to Caribia & The Ghost Comes to Life) (SP mint(newly
Plot to destroy N.O.T.T. (with The Saturnian Dungeon & Runaway Rocket) SP
very good quality with original commercials
Planet of Dreams SP mint, and SP very good quality with original commercials)(newly
Solar Sphinx (with Escape from the
Pyramid & The Tumbling of Tut) SP mint(newly
Return Trip/The Beetle's Claw/Ride of Death
SP mint(newly added)
Come gather around me. Space travelers surround me. Hark now to the ballad of Rocket Robin Hood.
I may well confound you, astound you, spellbound you, with heroes and villains, the bad and the good.
Watch now as our rockets race here from afar. For now, with our Robin, we live on a star.
Three. Two. One. Blast off!
Band of brothers, marching together. Heads held high in all kinds of weather.
With fiery blasts, our roaring rockets rise, beyond the Earth, beyond the skies!
At the sight of Robin, take your stand, with the gallant leader of our band.
Send a joyous shout throughout the land! For Rocket Robin Hood!
Kevin McCorry's page has lots of
great RRH history. http://mccorrytv.topcities.com/rrobin.html
Yesterday Land http://www.yesterdayland.com/saturday/shows/synopsis/199.asp